Tuesday, December 13, 2011


1) I guess when I try to write I just like to let things flow
2) I really like writing blog posts because it feels like writing elegant letters to ghosts
3) I started this blog because my girlfriend decided to make one last year and I wanted to see if could out blog her
4) I have never seen Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, the end of Inglorious Bastards, Clockwork Orange, Animal House or Independence Day

So here's a place to start:
I only wrote one other blog post since I have began my education at Northeastern University, I would think I would be bummed about this, but instead, I am happy; I can only go uphill from here, probably. I think I use commas more than  periods. Did you know that Bigger words grab people's attention! Smaller words do not* 

When I decided I was tired o studying for engineering design, which is gonna be easy and isn't till Thursday (I had Chem in Monday and Calc today {Tuesday}), and I decided to have a blog session, I clicked on "edit blogs". There were 3 blogs that I never finished, so one day if i ever feel important I will release them.

Alrighty, now for today's topic: Reflections.

It is the first finals week of my college career, and as I studied for Chemistry and Calculus and spent many quiet hours in the library i felt many undisclosed thoughts rush past my brain. Some thoughts were "fuckkk I don't know how to test this series for convergence, shit how can I learn this i'm gonna fail I don't even know where to look!", and other thoughts were like, "oh yeah, it converges by the limit comparison theorem... That was easy, pretty dumb that I was freaking out about it but then figure it out in two minutes. Luckily, this is the quiet floor so that I could only panic in my head and not look like and idiot." But, the one thought I had the most was, "damb that semester went by sooo fast!"

I remembered that at the beginning of the semester I was laying in my bed after the first two days and I couldn't sleep also I was kinda nervous of falling off of my lofted bed (If i fell off, there is a good chance I would break my back because my desk is under my bed but half of it just out so if half of me fell on the ground while the other hit the desk {kidding the chance wouldn't be that high. Also I haven't fallen off yet}) Anyhow... I thought, this is awesome but I feel like I have spent a month here! (because everyone did so many things)
Then I am in the middle of an email, damb I get distracted easily. One second, let me finish my email.
Then, 3ish weeks went by at that pace and then time went by exponentially more quickly until the rate of change of time speed reached zero but it was still moving pretty fast but not increasing.

In order to make this blog post have more academic and statistical value, I decided to take a survey and see how the passage of time felt for Northeastern first year students, and all of them has similar experience of slow time at first then really fast time. Unfortunately my sample size was three people so be can not reject any null hypotheses, there for don't pay attention to what I wrote because it must be long.

"Why is he telling us this?"- current readers  
Hey, don't doubt my reasons!

Well I realized that when we reflect it is usually at the end of a movement of our life. For me this movement is the end of my first symester ( I like to spell it like that). Realizing this I started to wonder why we make "movement" or "chapters"in our head is it because humans love organizing things, or because we know change is coming? why are we so obsessed with the future and the past (not in a bad way), as living organisms it seems naturally we would be more caught up in the current? Even if our surrounding change arent we still the same person?

That didn't all make sense but bare with me
SO, I think the reason why we split up our lives is because of the entertainment we have movies, tv, shows, sports music. (Changes of season, chapter, character development, building of climax, rising and falling tension)
     What I'm saying is in order to make life more exciting we view it as an outsider looking in, seeking entertainment!


Maybe, it's the opposite, entertainment is based off using the way the viewer sees the world to excite the audience.

Thank you,
 This has been a team production of Mr. Pasta and the Sause

and the sauce 

also if any typographical errors disrupt a joke I was trying to tell email me aat thong.j@husky.neu.edu and I will tell you the joke

*Just kidding

Saturday, October 29, 2011


I don think anyone has ever created a hand-held umbrella that can withstand wind and rain for more than three uses.
The fucking wind always pushes it up the other way and then the metal branches break, or the tarp covering gets ripped off the frame or the top just detaches from the metal rod.

Sooooo maybe I should make it my life goal to make a good quality umbrella? if mastering mandarin doesn't work out.... So It would cost maybe 60 bucks, a lot I know, but it would be life time guaranteed so if it breaks you will get another one for free. Better than buying 7 dollar ones that break in a day.

And how they would be good quality is they wouldn't"t bend with the wind, or maybe they would, but they wouldn"t break with the wind, because if you make them to rigid they will snap, but to flimsy and they wont work.o ro maybe make it have two one covering that bends but breaks the wind pressure and one that is rigid to keep you dry. Or maybe it would let wind pass though on the dry side so that it won"t get bent, but the otherside somehow won't let water in.... or maybe I'm looking at this problem all wrong, I'm trying to make a better umbrella but really I need to make a better device to keep me dry.

There wasn't really a good point of writing all that, but I did it because I haven't written in a while!
And it thing writing is important.
Writing is a way for us to preserve our past, preserve who we once were, because going back to read ones own past writing is like taking a look into small section of ones own mind.

I miss my dog Charlie. HE IS SO COOL!
When I think about his its like, "Damb, we hired this wild animal to like in our house and be excited and sleep!"
He's so fuzzy...  he would die really easily in the wild... to nice.

Signed Mr. Pasta

Saturday, September 24, 2011


This isn't all about tone

It's all about me feeling unproductive and needing to do something before bed :]

That smile,":]", doesn't describe me right now, yet it isn't ironic. It is only a filler.

So I guess I'll begin with a story. Trying to get blood to flow.

I don't really have a story, but I notice that people generally like to stick to the same group of people when then hangout, but I really like to jump around and hang with different people different days.
So I really like hearing different people seeing different perspective and all that, but almost every group of people always mentions my voice and what I say. "Why do you talk lie that?... where do you get these ideas...What the fuck is this even coming from"
Dude I guess I just say what i think, I mean obviously I don't say everything, but I'm very open. I just have to wonder is it better to blend in or be myself.
I've always though obviously being myself is better, but does being so open encroach on other's happieness?

I guess that was a bit melodramatic. but I need to get the idea out of my system.
Really people are great and nice here and I have been having a really good time:)

I realized the fried food is like pop music. simple and really easy to like, but if you have too much you get sick of it

Why do I even write this.......... for myself, I guess

Signed Mr. Pasta and the Sause

PS: My grandma is a writer and when I write I wonder if she get in a "zone" or "stream of thought" in the way I do. Maybe it's genetic... except she cares about spelling and grammar (Thank god for spell check).... and making good literature.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Northeaster, Boston, New stuff, New life

     7:20 never felt earlier than it did this morning.
I've been having classes since last Wed (which are pretty good, if you were going to ask) and I have 8am classes every Mon,WedandThursday.
      Even when I've been going to sleep at a reasonable hour waking up is kinda like. fuck.... not FUCKKKK but  fuck, I'm really tired and I have a few minutes let me just sleep (but then I imagine waking up in a panic and its 8:10! I jump off my lofted bed grab my bag, jump out the window of the fourth floor with an awful landing and then sprint across campus{almost get hit by a car} and I'll worry I'm looking like a maniac. then I get into class and it's like a bad dream in a dumb teenage movie. I try to quietly sneak into the classroom but the professor calls me out and the entire class glares at me is a way that says "look at this kid, what an IDIOT" and then the professor says in a thick Indian accent "class, this is the example of the worst student you can be. Look he's so dumb he didn" even comb his hair" then everyone laughs, "and! He's Naked!") yeah one of those kinda dreams.

    Really though I've been getting to all of my classes on time don't worry. Also I think I rocked my calc test this morning.
    So, my chem class is probs the boringest
    Calc is ok, early but It keeps me on my feet
    I like my engineering design clas we learn how to use AutoCAD and SolidWorks and the professors good (Also we were learnign about the Wright brothers, holy shit! They were fucking bicycle mechanics who didn't go to college and then they were really creative and methodic and they fucking invented the airplane!)
    Then, my Pop music, Sexuallity and Globalization class is really interesting (Music Impreialism, interesting stuff)

Boston is pretty awesome place! There is aways stuff going on, and It's a lot cleaner then NYC haha. But the NYC subway is oipen 24 7 (the T closes down at 12:30 {the Boston version of the subway})
Yeah, there are a few festivals going on this Saturday, should be fun.

Soooo Ryerson, How is Senior year?

Ps: Hi grandma, how are you

Did anyone notice most of this blog was in parentheses?

Signed Mr. Pasta  (probs shoulda profff read this)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Band Name Ideas

One of the greatest things I have had the pleasure of doing in my life as of yet has been being in my band Panadamonium.

I've loved making music, playing live shows and just hanging with my bandmates who have become some of my best friends.

One thing that I have grown to like less and less is our band name Pandamonium.

So here is a list of better band names:

  • Mr. Pasta and the Sause
  • Celebration Application
  • The Scribbling Day Dreamer
  • Lightfighters
  • Bud, not Dudly
thats about it

-Mr. Pasta

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ryerson, I know you missed me...

I had this idea for this post a while ago, around the time of graduation in June.
Now I have finally decided to type it up, partly because I want to actually finish something I start writing.

One thing that I learned from highschool is that, so often we make assumptions about "who people are" based on our first experiences we've had with them or experiences many years ago.
I mean, personally I do this probably more often than I would like to, and I think we all do this because it is natural. It's human nature to stereotype; the first humans probably tried to avoid lions to not die, and who ever decided it wasn't ok to put all lions in the same boat of predators was probs killed (Sorry if that joke was awful, but I wrote it so it fucking stays.)
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is these assumptions seem to often bring out the worst in us.

I'm only 18, and to be honest I don't know much about what life is really like after high school, but this is what I've observed so far.
I guess how we often define people is through how we view them for the first times. And a lot of the time, we grow and learn to see them for who they really are and not just as a stereotype.

BLAHGH!  I feel like what I've typed so far is pretty crappy, I'm having trouble with my words conveying the thoughts in my mind. I guess I will try to use example.

I feel like, I've pretty much always loved humor, and I wanted to be a funny guy. That seems fitting since I was voted our class clown in high school, but I was not always viewed as funny by those around me. I was a shy quiet kid. Then for some reason, I stopped giving a shit about making a fool of my self and made a fool out of myself. (I think I was the only kid who looked forward to pep rallys) 
What I realized is that I'm lucky, ya know, people didn't only view me as the shy kid, they were open to let me be funny... a comedian is only as funny as a the audience lets him be.

But the thing is, Some kids a trapped in these cliche stereotypes, where people refuse to view them any other way. There are some kids I knew who were much funnier and wittier than I was, but no one would see it because in middle school they were viewed as "the weird kid" or something

I guess the main point is that people can change, or at least situations do. We need to view them this way.

But anyway here's another topic, that  I will type really fast and not spellcheck!
When i made my blog name I thought of Rich Brenner, my cousin or something like that, who thought of the name when we were trying to make a band name. I really liked it but I speled sauce wrong, I though suase was the righ spelling.
Ya, I'm done writting for today, sorry if it left you empty and longing for more like music by the smashing pumkins or a low quality pizza which was kinda small, but you want more food not neccesarily the medirocre pizza

PS. If you buy a PC sometime soon it comes with this one song "Kalimba" by Mr. Scruff on the album Ninja Tuna. It's a sweet song

-The Sause

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm Back!

          Yeah you heard right my friend (I say friend because usually only one person reads this, and if more people read it then I still use the singular because I want this to feel like  a one-on-one bro session.)

          Man, I missed making blogs, ya know? you just type and type and type and don"t really have to edit it. just keep flowwww. But anyways, sorry for keeping you on your feet as I'm sure your life has been slightly empty (only a bit) without Mr. Pasta's pointless blog. So lately I've been all up in the writing so this is chill for me to be writing this post.
Yeah, I've been over at McCater, at rehearsals for "Tap Dat" my play which is being performed and directed by professionals (wow, what a fucking smug bragger (Also if you want to see Tap Dat live, buy tickets here http://www.mccarter.org/ticketoffice/eventdetail.aspx?page_id=7&event_id=6826 )). Yeah sorry if I seem like I'm bragging but I just am typing kinda fast, just putting thoughts onto screen. But yeah I have been spending a lot of time writing revisions for my play, and it's a lot of work, but really rewarding and fun.

       So, you might be thinking, "Jeremy/Mr. Pasta why should care about you and your writing and stuff?" well you shouldn't but you may if you'd like. More importantly I bring up this subject of my play to talk about English education and writing.
       I have never been an English scholar or anything like that, but I perceive the way that writing is taught and evaluated by many teachers in pre-college education (or at least what I have experienced) seems to be kinda what some people may call  "a joke." I don't want to insult English teachers, but there is definitely some truth to this description. First off, let me say that I understand the importance of being taught standard english writing and being exposed to formal writing, but I see a huge problem with the way almost every English teacher I have had (especially those I've had high school) teach and evaluate writing. The problem to me is that, they make it easy to write BULLSHIT.
      Think about most times you have had to write an essay on some book, especially those in class essays. Everyone ends up writing the same thing, in the same fake "intellectual" voice. I mean, I'm super-guilty of this. I just want to get a pretty good grade the easiest way possible so I will try to sound scholarly without having any insight of my own or trying to use my real voice. Why don't I use my real voice, like I'm using now? Well,  first of all then I probably wouldn't talk about the book, secondly we were taught to write more formally. I probs have more to say about why this writing can be bullshit and how in school everyone puts on facades to write writing that they will NEVER reflect on and won't make them a better writer, but I forget things because I think muchhh faster than I write.

         Anyways, I'm not saying that I think we shouldn't be exposed to writing, I actually love writing, in case you couldn't tell, but I am saying that there is soooo much more than fucking 5 paragraph essays. And so much to be inspired by. I mean I hate writing school essays, but I love playwriting, because I feel like I can use real voices and my own... that's also why I'm doing this now.

      Yeah, so, if your ever bored... maybes try creative writing?

Thanks for reading!
one day this will be history

Your's truely
Mr. Pasta and the Sause

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I haven't posted in a while, I just thought I would because I know this interests Ryerson. Also this is history for the future.

So, Today I didn't get into I car. I would say didn't leave the house, but that would be a lie because I took my dog on a walk.
I was woken up at 8:30 AM by my dad to install a microwave. I was extremely tired from stay up till 3 am last night doing practice problems for the AP physics exam on Monday, but I thought at least installing the microwave would be easy.
It took till 12, then I took a 30 min nap and studied more. i ate a Bologna sandwich at one point.
somehow it was 10:30 and my mind was like "screw this!" but more incomprehensible so like "scbni pooitps!"
Then I played Portal 2 for an hour which was super interesting.
Now reflecting on my day, I think "wow.... I hope I don't have to do this again"

But on the bright-side I'm not reading someone else's blog about a boing day they had (hehehe irony)

But uh, i hope yall enjoyed this digital letter. If I were less tired this might actually be interesting...

also I realize there is grammatical and spelling eerrors and crap like that. But i don"t really want to fix them. Instead I will say bye

Your's Truly
The Sauce

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A short poem/monologue by myself:

Do you ever have those moments when you're in the middle of a conversation, but you totally forget what you're saying?
Yeah I get those all the time.
Yeah, those suck. But what I wanna talk about is that... um-uh....but-uh...(sigh)...shit
Aw crap! I was about to say something really important
-NO! stop talking!
 I'm trying to remember what I said...
...wait I think uh... 
-SHHH... Shit. I lost it again.
Oh my god! this is soooo annoying!.... I swear I had it
Ugh! why did you have to talk !? I almost had it back
-WAIT!..eh-eh... Fuck...
I lost it AGAIN.
I swear its really important.
I think I'm gonna cry.
WAIITT! wait! I actually got it!
... Piano Man by Billy Joel is a pretty good song.... just wanted to say that

Yep... there is my monologue

Your's truly
      Mr. Pasta

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I wonder if my grandma will read this....


hehe grandma
you wasted time and all you got was this and bad punctuation

:) Love you

Also for everyone else. Why you bein' so nosey?

Gonna have some corned beef later... pretty excited for that.

-The Sause

Monday, March 14, 2011

Yesss ! I remembered my password, and got a ticket, and got into another college :)

grocery list of today...

-I got a ticket for runing a stop sign two house from my house.... pooop! 85 frickin bucks!?!?
-I was already at my house parked and headed inside when she pulled me over
-why would the cop do that?
- well its ok at least I''m not as cop-like and portly as she was

-I like being in a band
-practice is fun
-also building sound proofing partitioning out up old carpet and the Les Mis set was fun ;)

- now I am with D man my girlfriend she is soooo pretty :)
-I am actually studying for physics and she is writing an essay or something
-here is proof of my studing
--V is constant in parallel
--I is constant in series
--The greater Resistance in a circuit the more the Wattage decreases
-- Heat increases resistance
---- this is the biggest problem with Direct Current power supply DC
-----AC is used in power lines Alternating Current
--------but we use DC in stuff still like phone chargers

OH also I got In LMU School Of Flim and TV for Screen writting... :) So I guess Tap Dat was pretty good

now I must study more
-Mr. Pasta

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have a funny story of today!

Because of yesterday's snowday Blades Wednesday got moved to Blades Thursday in Physics Class, so I was wearing roller blades leaving school.

I had just sent my play Tap Dat to its first competition and, as I rolled down the hallway heading to my van I saw Brandon Rowan standing at his locker.
So i sneaked up on Brandon by rolling over without making a sound; right before I hit him I said, "Silent but deadly..." 
I startled him and we both started laughing, and then we headed to his car in the sr. to take me to my car in the jr. lot.

We got to the jr. lot and we saw Nikhil Deshpande in his car and joked around about the blades as Brandon drove while I hung on to the back. (don't worry grandma we only went 25 mph)

Then we all said good by and Brandon drove away.
As he drove I went to unlock my car and the shouted, "SHITTT! WAIT I LEFT MY BACK BACK IN YOUR CAR, BRANDON!.... fuck"

I tried calling, but he wouldn't pick up. I turned around saying "Shit, Nikhil, he drove off with my shit" but before Nikhil could respond I Hear,"Silent but deadly..."

Oh shit it was Brandon who drove back around in his car, then I fell on the pavement laughing

....well at least I thought that was a funny story... until nextime
Signed Mr. Pasta

Thursday, January 6, 2011

 I'm back....
with an idea for a movie

so there is this guy and he uh.... um actually I didn't have an idea

I thought I might have one...

Also if your tired you should go to sleep, but don't sleep in too much

Personally I feel kinda shitty when I wake up to late and It's like, "well the sun's going down... I feel tired, but I got some sleep... wait that wasn't even fun"

There's so much out there to learn that we have no idea about, and there are so many things that we will learn that we had never even thought of

How many great ideas do people think of everyday that are never voiced?

Signed Mr. Pasta
Some people like writing. I don't. This is why this will be my last blog.
I hope you had fun reading this

signed Mr Pasta