Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A short poem/monologue by myself:

Do you ever have those moments when you're in the middle of a conversation, but you totally forget what you're saying?
Yeah I get those all the time.
Yeah, those suck. But what I wanna talk about is that... um-uh....but-uh...(sigh)...shit
Aw crap! I was about to say something really important
-NO! stop talking!
 I'm trying to remember what I said...
...wait I think uh... 
-SHHH... Shit. I lost it again.
Oh my god! this is soooo annoying!.... I swear I had it
Ugh! why did you have to talk !? I almost had it back
-WAIT! Fuck...
I lost it AGAIN.
I swear its really important.
I think I'm gonna cry.
WAIITT! wait! I actually got it!
... Piano Man by Billy Joel is a pretty good song.... just wanted to say that

Yep... there is my monologue

Your's truly
      Mr. Pasta

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