Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oregon Trail

Hey Ryerson and Grandma,
I like how these are pretty much personal letters to both of you that the whole internet could read but probably doesn't.

So I got this idea for a movie a while ago, here it is:


    It's is about this guy in Missouri who is a newly wed and works at a printing press in the 1840's, but its uses modern acting because it is a comedy.
Early on in the story the protagonist gets fired from his job because he pulls a prank on the company so that they lose credibility, or something like that. He doesn't know how to approach his wife about this, so he decides to runaway from his problems, but how will he? Then because of his job at the printing press he heard about people traveling the Oregon Trail and the potential profits. So he convinces her, but she is not very happy about this though . Anyways, they will travel encounter obstacles like forging rivers, the pony express which will be like a gang, native american tribes, winter and other things.

I don't predict that I will actually write this but, I thought I'd spread the idea... anyone can take it if they want, just put my name in the credits of the movie.

short post... just saying

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