Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Hey I just made a realization.

My buddy asked me why I wanted to do civil environmental engineering and what my life plans are and I said the same thing I always do, "I want to be able to do something I feel good about."

He continued to ask me more questions like "what is my career plan" and  to be honest I didn't know, not one clue... then  a few weeks later we were at a graduation party were everyone was a year younger than us and we felt a little out of place. As we talked standing off to the side of the party I realized the engineering will be my root.

I have always love to find new interests maybe even more so than settling on one, so really I am so confuse about my career and I really don't want to feel trapped into some job with some company just for the money and feeling of belonging. I want to start something of my own, but to do that I need to grow more, and engineering will be my root, its as good as any, right?

Also you should listen to Dr. Clint that boi is ballin!!!!!! ask me and I can send you some of his EP with Young Lashes

Signed Dr. Clint, I mean mister pasta and sause

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oregon Trail

Hey Ryerson and Grandma,
I like how these are pretty much personal letters to both of you that the whole internet could read but probably doesn't.

So I got this idea for a movie a while ago, here it is:


    It's is about this guy in Missouri who is a newly wed and works at a printing press in the 1840's, but its uses modern acting because it is a comedy.
Early on in the story the protagonist gets fired from his job because he pulls a prank on the company so that they lose credibility, or something like that. He doesn't know how to approach his wife about this, so he decides to runaway from his problems, but how will he? Then because of his job at the printing press he heard about people traveling the Oregon Trail and the potential profits. So he convinces her, but she is not very happy about this though . Anyways, they will travel encounter obstacles like forging rivers, the pony express which will be like a gang, native american tribes, winter and other things.

I don't predict that I will actually write this but, I thought I'd spread the idea... anyone can take it if they want, just put my name in the credits of the movie.

short post... just saying

Saturday, January 21, 2012

If the World Ended Tomorrow... But Didn't

So I was thinking about what if literally everyone in the entire world was convinced that the world would end in a week, but then when the time came the world didn't end?

I thought that there are two potential outcomes.

There is chaos, or there is peace.

I guess I can imagine the peace because I understand the feeling of appreciate everyone would have for the present.

I guess the thing is that it seems like most people care more about the future than the present... Well, the present is the future; if you never enjoy the the present because you are worried about the future, you can never really enjoy life.

One of the biggest lessons I have learned in college, it to try no
t to worry about every thing going wrong. Plan but be confident and calm. Worry doesn't make one produce better.

I think the lifestyle for me is enjoying the present by living in the moment by not worrying so much about the future. All time is important, each  unit time has the same amount of your life that you need to develop in understanding who you are. The thing is I care about  and work towards a great future because that is so much time in my life, but I don't want it make me currently oppressed.

 I worried so much and high school, and I'm glad that now I am much more able to use anxiety to make me try to find solutions.

Yester-night it snowed and It was so cinematic how the clouds made the night sky bright as white powder flakes fell from the sky. An it was midnight, so we just went out and had a snowball fight on camps with these guys from Manchester. Then I made it to my 8 am class the next day and it was a pretty good class. So, the present and the future were both good in the present, I'm so thankful I have has so much joy in my life.

I feel like I am just writing in a diary except anyone can read this online... we\ll this just got weird.
... so probably going to stop now.

Mister Pasta