Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm Back!

          Yeah you heard right my friend (I say friend because usually only one person reads this, and if more people read it then I still use the singular because I want this to feel like  a one-on-one bro session.)

          Man, I missed making blogs, ya know? you just type and type and type and don"t really have to edit it. just keep flowwww. But anyways, sorry for keeping you on your feet as I'm sure your life has been slightly empty (only a bit) without Mr. Pasta's pointless blog. So lately I've been all up in the writing so this is chill for me to be writing this post.
Yeah, I've been over at McCater, at rehearsals for "Tap Dat" my play which is being performed and directed by professionals (wow, what a fucking smug bragger (Also if you want to see Tap Dat live, buy tickets here )). Yeah sorry if I seem like I'm bragging but I just am typing kinda fast, just putting thoughts onto screen. But yeah I have been spending a lot of time writing revisions for my play, and it's a lot of work, but really rewarding and fun.

       So, you might be thinking, "Jeremy/Mr. Pasta why should care about you and your writing and stuff?" well you shouldn't but you may if you'd like. More importantly I bring up this subject of my play to talk about English education and writing.
       I have never been an English scholar or anything like that, but I perceive the way that writing is taught and evaluated by many teachers in pre-college education (or at least what I have experienced) seems to be kinda what some people may call  "a joke." I don't want to insult English teachers, but there is definitely some truth to this description. First off, let me say that I understand the importance of being taught standard english writing and being exposed to formal writing, but I see a huge problem with the way almost every English teacher I have had (especially those I've had high school) teach and evaluate writing. The problem to me is that, they make it easy to write BULLSHIT.
      Think about most times you have had to write an essay on some book, especially those in class essays. Everyone ends up writing the same thing, in the same fake "intellectual" voice. I mean, I'm super-guilty of this. I just want to get a pretty good grade the easiest way possible so I will try to sound scholarly without having any insight of my own or trying to use my real voice. Why don't I use my real voice, like I'm using now? Well,  first of all then I probably wouldn't talk about the book, secondly we were taught to write more formally. I probs have more to say about why this writing can be bullshit and how in school everyone puts on facades to write writing that they will NEVER reflect on and won't make them a better writer, but I forget things because I think muchhh faster than I write.

         Anyways, I'm not saying that I think we shouldn't be exposed to writing, I actually love writing, in case you couldn't tell, but I am saying that there is soooo much more than fucking 5 paragraph essays. And so much to be inspired by. I mean I hate writing school essays, but I love playwriting, because I feel like I can use real voices and my own... that's also why I'm doing this now.

      Yeah, so, if your ever bored... maybes try creative writing?

Thanks for reading!
one day this will be history

Your's truely
Mr. Pasta and the Sause

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I haven't posted in a while, I just thought I would because I know this interests Ryerson. Also this is history for the future.

So, Today I didn't get into I car. I would say didn't leave the house, but that would be a lie because I took my dog on a walk.
I was woken up at 8:30 AM by my dad to install a microwave. I was extremely tired from stay up till 3 am last night doing practice problems for the AP physics exam on Monday, but I thought at least installing the microwave would be easy.
It took till 12, then I took a 30 min nap and studied more. i ate a Bologna sandwich at one point.
somehow it was 10:30 and my mind was like "screw this!" but more incomprehensible so like "scbni pooitps!"
Then I played Portal 2 for an hour which was super interesting.
Now reflecting on my day, I think "wow.... I hope I don't have to do this again"

But on the bright-side I'm not reading someone else's blog about a boing day they had (hehehe irony)

But uh, i hope yall enjoyed this digital letter. If I were less tired this might actually be interesting...

also I realize there is grammatical and spelling eerrors and crap like that. But i don"t really want to fix them. Instead I will say bye

Your's Truly
The Sauce