Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have a funny story of today!

Because of yesterday's snowday Blades Wednesday got moved to Blades Thursday in Physics Class, so I was wearing roller blades leaving school.

I had just sent my play Tap Dat to its first competition and, as I rolled down the hallway heading to my van I saw Brandon Rowan standing at his locker.
So i sneaked up on Brandon by rolling over without making a sound; right before I hit him I said, "Silent but deadly..." 
I startled him and we both started laughing, and then we headed to his car in the sr. to take me to my car in the jr. lot.

We got to the jr. lot and we saw Nikhil Deshpande in his car and joked around about the blades as Brandon drove while I hung on to the back. (don't worry grandma we only went 25 mph)

Then we all said good by and Brandon drove away.
As he drove I went to unlock my car and the shouted, "SHITTT! WAIT I LEFT MY BACK BACK IN YOUR CAR, BRANDON!.... fuck"

I tried calling, but he wouldn't pick up. I turned around saying "Shit, Nikhil, he drove off with my shit" but before Nikhil could respond I Hear,"Silent but deadly..."

Oh shit it was Brandon who drove back around in his car, then I fell on the pavement laughing

....well at least I thought that was a funny story... until nextime
Signed Mr. Pasta

Thursday, January 6, 2011

 I'm back....
with an idea for a movie

so there is this guy and he uh.... um actually I didn't have an idea

I thought I might have one...

Also if your tired you should go to sleep, but don't sleep in too much

Personally I feel kinda shitty when I wake up to late and It's like, "well the sun's going down... I feel tired, but I got some sleep... wait that wasn't even fun"

There's so much out there to learn that we have no idea about, and there are so many things that we will learn that we had never even thought of

How many great ideas do people think of everyday that are never voiced?

Signed Mr. Pasta
Some people like writing. I don't. This is why this will be my last blog.
I hope you had fun reading this

signed Mr Pasta