Tuesday, December 13, 2011


1) I guess when I try to write I just like to let things flow
2) I really like writing blog posts because it feels like writing elegant letters to ghosts
3) I started this blog because my girlfriend decided to make one last year and I wanted to see if could out blog her
4) I have never seen Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, the end of Inglorious Bastards, Clockwork Orange, Animal House or Independence Day

So here's a place to start:
I only wrote one other blog post since I have began my education at Northeastern University, I would think I would be bummed about this, but instead, I am happy; I can only go uphill from here, probably. I think I use commas more than  periods. Did you know that Bigger words grab people's attention! Smaller words do not* 

When I decided I was tired o studying for engineering design, which is gonna be easy and isn't till Thursday (I had Chem in Monday and Calc today {Tuesday}), and I decided to have a blog session, I clicked on "edit blogs". There were 3 blogs that I never finished, so one day if i ever feel important I will release them.

Alrighty, now for today's topic: Reflections.

It is the first finals week of my college career, and as I studied for Chemistry and Calculus and spent many quiet hours in the library i felt many undisclosed thoughts rush past my brain. Some thoughts were "fuckkk I don't know how to test this series for convergence, shit how can I learn this i'm gonna fail I don't even know where to look!", and other thoughts were like, "oh yeah, it converges by the limit comparison theorem... That was easy, pretty dumb that I was freaking out about it but then figure it out in two minutes. Luckily, this is the quiet floor so that I could only panic in my head and not look like and idiot." But, the one thought I had the most was, "damb that semester went by sooo fast!"

I remembered that at the beginning of the semester I was laying in my bed after the first two days and I couldn't sleep also I was kinda nervous of falling off of my lofted bed (If i fell off, there is a good chance I would break my back because my desk is under my bed but half of it just out so if half of me fell on the ground while the other hit the desk {kidding the chance wouldn't be that high. Also I haven't fallen off yet}) Anyhow... I thought, this is awesome but I feel like I have spent a month here! (because everyone did so many things)
Then I am in the middle of an email, damb I get distracted easily. One second, let me finish my email.
Then, 3ish weeks went by at that pace and then time went by exponentially more quickly until the rate of change of time speed reached zero but it was still moving pretty fast but not increasing.

In order to make this blog post have more academic and statistical value, I decided to take a survey and see how the passage of time felt for Northeastern first year students, and all of them has similar experience of slow time at first then really fast time. Unfortunately my sample size was three people so be can not reject any null hypotheses, there for don't pay attention to what I wrote because it must be long.

"Why is he telling us this?"- current readers  
Hey, don't doubt my reasons!

Well I realized that when we reflect it is usually at the end of a movement of our life. For me this movement is the end of my first symester ( I like to spell it like that). Realizing this I started to wonder why we make "movement" or "chapters"in our head is it because humans love organizing things, or because we know change is coming? why are we so obsessed with the future and the past (not in a bad way), as living organisms it seems naturally we would be more caught up in the current? Even if our surrounding change arent we still the same person?

That didn't all make sense but bare with me
SO, I think the reason why we split up our lives is because of the entertainment we have movies, tv, shows, sports music. (Changes of season, chapter, character development, building of climax, rising and falling tension)
     What I'm saying is in order to make life more exciting we view it as an outsider looking in, seeking entertainment!


Maybe, it's the opposite, entertainment is based off using the way the viewer sees the world to excite the audience.

Thank you,
 This has been a team production of Mr. Pasta and the Sause

and the sauce 

also if any typographical errors disrupt a joke I was trying to tell email me aat thong.j@husky.neu.edu and I will tell you the joke

*Just kidding